Losma unveils at EMO Hannover – from 18th to 23rd September 2017, Hall 16 Stand C20 – its brand new corporate image: the website and a corporate video are the tools selected to publicize it.
This renewal process begun last year, with the change of colors for products – today in total white with a grey logo – and a remake of all catalogues translated in six languages: Italian, English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese. The same languages in which the new website has been developed. Already online for EMO in the first three languages, the last ones will follow by beginning October. This communication strategy follows and strengthen the commercial one, characterized by the strong growth on international market.
Designed for the use on modern communication tools, the website stands out for the easy and intuitive navigation. Product sections are clearly defined and enriched by illustrative images, to better explain every working process and all accessories, to complete its functionalities.
To the company history and the philosophy – guiding its development since the foundation – is explained in the corporate section, but its main expression can be found in the new corporate video. Fast narrative time and emotional images were selected to translate on the screen the over-forty-years know-how and tradition of the company.
A communication strategy looking to the future cannot miss Social Networks, thus Losma launched its YouTube channel, where corporate and products videos can be seen, and a LinkedIn profile, which supports the brand awareness diffusion worldwide.