Argos units are designed for depuration of oil mists, vapours and smokes generated during machining processes. Argos is available in 3 sizes with a flowrate from 3.000 to 15.000 m3/h, with different filtration efficiency combination up to 99,97% with HEPA filters. This unit is conceivedfor big machine tools or centralized applications.
Argos filtration process has three phases:
– Air enters in a calming chamber, which can be supplied also with a pre-blasting system called “Twist”, which further facilitates the aggregation of the finer particles by means of a forced centrifugal effect.
– Subsequently, the air passes through two separate and reusable filtration stages, a PVC drop separator and metallic G2 filter.
– The next area consists of a chamber which houses the filter elements, cartridges with folds, with a high filtration surface which withholds the finer impurities.
Upon request Argos can be supplied also with an absolute filter H13, which allows a filtration efficiency of 99,97% following the regulation EN 1822. Re-condensed oil mist particles are collected in a large tank, which includes an external visual level and a pump to automatically remove the liquid.
This filtration unit has purposely been conceived for the industrial sector, and its important features lie in its sturdiness, reliability and simplicity in conduction and maintenance. The integrated manometer allows to control the obstruction state of filtering elements; upon request the system can be supplied with the “Led Up” system – a LED stripe indicating the cartridge state with the combination of three colors. Access to the filtration chamber is possible through a hinged door, the horizontal positioning of the cartridges allows quick and easy access and maintenance.
Losma staff is available from 18th to 23rd September at EMO 2017 – Pad. 16 Stand C20 to illustrate the wide range of its offer.