Among the several innovations of BIMU / SFORTEC 2018 – the Italian manufacturing industry showcase which takes place in Fiera Milano from 9 to 13 October 2018 – the latest technologies concerning the industrial filtration field and the work environment protection can not be missing!
Losma SpA – leader in design and construction of filtration systems for air and coolants – among its wide range of products intended for the filtration of fumes and oil mists, presents at BIMU / SFORTEC 2018 – HALL 11 – BOOTH D46 Icarus S, its innovative oil mist collector.
Icarus is a static exhaust fan for filtration of air containing oil mists, micro-mists and smokes generated from coolants (both emulsion or neat oil), which can be used on every kind of machine tool and for every removal machinery. Icarus is available in three sizes with flowrate from 600 to 2.000 m3/h with different filtration efficiency combination, up to performances of 99,97%.
Polluted air is drawn in by a high efficiency centrifugal fan, mounted behind the filters. In this way the fan cannot be damaged, since it works with clean air without any pollutant residual. Air passes initially through a special deflector, whose function is to distribute uniformly the air onto filter’s surface, assuring a proper use of the whole useful contact area of the filter. Then the air crosses a series of filters with increasing efficiency up to more than 95% with polluted particles measuring less than a micron. Efficiency can reach 99,97% with the use of a HEPA post-filter following EN 1822 regulation.
On request Icarus can be equipped with various accessories, such as the absolute HEPA H13 filter which allows to obtain a very high filtration level (99.97% according to EN 1822); X-Guard pre filtration system for chips and powders that maximize suction efficiency in presence of high production of oil mists mixed with powders; and C.A. (activated carbon) post filtration system, which is able to remove fumes, gaseous particles, as well as unpleasant and / or harmful odors produced by some specific mechanical processes.
The use of filters with increasing efficiency and the possibility of implementing pre and post filtration systems make Icarus the ideal filter for all modern mechanical machining, from the simplest to the most demanding ones. Moreover, access to filtering section is very easy and quick, since you don’t need to unscrew or dismantle any part. Just open the two locks on the door and access to the filters, which can be extracted easily and changed in a few minutes.
Losma staff is available from 9 to 13 October at BIMU 2018 – HALL 11 BIMU D46 to illustrate the latest in the industrial filtration field, as well as its wide range of its offer.
Come to visit us!